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인화성에어로졸 GHS 라벨
    Date : 13-02-13 14:21
Hit : 5,162  
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
  - Physical hazards : Gases under pressure - Liquefied gas
                                 Flammable aerosols - Category 1
                                 Flammable Liquids - Category 2
  - Health hazards  : Skin/Eye Irritation - Category 2
                              Reproductive toxicity - Category 1A, 1B
                              Aspiration hazard - Category 1
                              Specific Target Organ Toxicity (single exposure) - Category 1
                              Specific Target Organ Toxicity (repeated exposure) - Category 1
                                - Target Organs : nervous system, kidney, liver, respiratory system
   - Environment hazard : Aquatic Environment - Chronic 2